For my class, ARTS 319: Mobile & Interactive Technology Application, we had to create a website from scratch. I designed a fashion blog covering fashion trends, favorites, and inspiration.


Click on the images above to visit my blog website.

For my class, STCO 462: Using the Social and Digital Future, we had to create a media piece in print form. I chose to make a magazine cover for a magazine I created for this project called Virginia Weddings.


During the Fall 2024 semester, I completed my STCO 357: Public Relations and Promotional Tactics class. While this class had many projects to complete, one of them was to develop a nonprofit organization for something you were passionate about. I chose to create a Christian youth theater company called Audience of One Productions. Throughout the semester, we would build upon the nonprofit idea, and at the end of the semester, we had a full PR Media Kit.

Below is the PR Media Kit that I created for my nonprofit.



During my Spring 2024 semester at Liberty University, a classmate and I were tasked to develop a campaign proposal for Taco Bell. We were to examine Taco Bell's current social media trends/engagement and then establish a campaign with a content strategy and influencer/celebrity collaborations. After this proposal, we offered the "client" a content calendar and ways to monitor the plan.

During my STCO 357: Public Relations and Promotional Tactics class, we also were tasked to create a PR Toolkit. Throughout the semester, we would read  Discovering Public Relations: An Introduction to Creative and Strategic Practices by Karen Freberg. (Freberg, 2021). After reading each chapter, we would create a summary to add to our PR Toolkit.

Below are a few pages from the PR Toolkit that I created.



Another project that I completed in my STCO 357: Public Relations and Promotional Tactics class was a local newsletter. This project was a group project for four people. The pages that I completed were the Title page and the Monster Mash Movie Night page.

Below is my group's full newsletter.